PyGoogle - an easy-to-use wrapper for Google's web API Copyright (c) 2002 Mark Pilgrim ( Open source, same license as Python itself SUMMARY ------- This module allows you to access Google's web APIs through SOAP, to do things like search Google and get the results programmatically. This API is described here: IMPORTANT NOTE -------------- You need a Google-provided license key to use these services. Follow the link above to get one, then set the LICENSE_KEY variable in before using any of the functions. INSTALLATION ------------ Copy and to your site-packages directory, or anywhere else in your Python library path. You must use the included version of; all previous versions are incompatible with Python 2.2. USAGE ----- >>> import google >>> google.LICENSE_KEY = '...' # must get your own! >>> data = google.doGoogleSearch('python') >>> data.meta.searchTime 0.043221000000000002 >>> dir(data.meta) ['directoryCategories', 'documentFiltering', 'endIndex', 'estimateIsExact', 'estimatedTotalResultsCount', 'searchComments', 'searchQuery', 'searchTime', 'searchTips', 'startIndex'] >>> data.results[0].URL '' >>> data.results[0].title 'Python Language Website' >>> dir(data.results[0]) ['URL', 'cachedSize', 'directoryCategory', 'directoryTitle', 'hostName', 'relatedInformationPresent', 'snippet', 'summary', 'title'] ---------------- Revision history: 0.3 of 4/11/2002 - included copy of updated for Python 2.2 compatibility (between 2.1 and 2.2, type("").__name__ changed from "string" to "str", thus causing the marshalling to fail in SOAPBuilder.dump) 0.2 of 4/11/2002 - fixed typo (_assertLicense) 0.1 of 4/11/2002 - initial release