Sue for Freedom: Saving Steamboat Roy

Are you an enterprising lawyer who wants to join the fight for freedom? Here are some lawsuits you might consider…

San Francisco Protects the Freedom to Marry

Most news reports tell the San Francisco freedom-to-marry story this way: City officials in San Francisco have begun marrying same-sex…

Up With Facts: Finding the Truth in WikiCourt

I’m an optimist. I believe that statements like “Bush went AWOL” or “Gore claims to have invented the Internet” can…

Down is Up: What This Stuff Is

I got a lot of responses to my previous post, Up is Down, along the lines of “oh, the Democrats…

Up is Down: How Stating the False Hides the True

One of the more interesting Republican strategies is saying things whose opposite is true. They say that the Democratic nominee…

Gerrymandering: How Politicians Steal Votes and You Can Return Them

Gerrymandering, the practice of remapping political districts for partisan political gain, is becoming a serious problem. As described in Jeffrey…

Third Parties: Why They Spoil and How to Stop It

In America (and many other countries) elections work in a simplistic manner: Each person picks one candidate. The candidate picked…

Campaign Finance Reform: The Problem and Solution

Our political system is corrupt. The people it elects routinely do things for the corpartions that paid for their campaign…

Nader’s Negligence

Lessig says Nader should be held accountable for causing Bush’s presidency. But what about the First Amendment?

The Furious Rise of the Anonymous Writer

Christopher Farah, Salon: I know you are but who am I? The furious rise of the anonyblogger. Parody: You don’t…

Aaron Swartz (