Fafblog!, the whole world’s only source for Fafblog, is a “topical comedy” site which, in the style of The Daily Show, explains why some positions are so utterly stupid simply by taking them. As Clinton economist and Koufax-nominated blog author Brad DeLong frequently says, “Fafblog! is capable of understanding American culture and politics at an appropriate level.” Oh, and did I mention it’s hilarious? A sample of Fafblog’s insightful commentary…

On Clinton’s book:

There are 927 pages in this thing and most of it is all kinds of blithering on Bill Clinton’s various policy initiatives. Well y’know, if Giblets wanted to read about what it takes to actually run a country, Giblets would buy a book about that, or “engage in informed policy debates” or “pay attention to the news” or “vote.” [More…]

On the Al-Qaeda/Iraq connection:

Remember that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and with the stakes being what they are, we cannot wait for a “smoking gun” - for that smoking gun may come in the form of a rusted, disused cannister of mustard gas on a Manhattan subway, or three barrels of pesticide mistaken by weapons inspectors for Sarin on the steps of the Capitol. Remember that 9/11, after all, changed everything - even elementary rules of logic - and we cannot pursue the real threats of today before we’ve finished eliminating the more deadly potentially-shadowy threats of tomorrow.

Oh, there was an al Qaeda connection, my friends. It was an al Qaeda connection of the heart, and in lusting after international terrorism, Saddam Hussein committed that partnership on a dangerously conceptual level - one that could not be ignored on this very material, tank-and-bomb-filled reality. [More…]

On the claim that “a vote for Kerry is a vote for the terrorists”:

Lately I have heard a lot of talk about voting for terrorists. It is apparently the hot new craze sweeping western democracies these days, who knew! Did you know that if the election were held today, the majority of Americans would vote for terrorists? It’s true! But this got me thinking which sometimes happens. What kind of terrorists are Americans voting for? Informed voters are responsible voters, but who is informing voters about the policy positions of various terrorists? Which terrorist best represents you and your needs? Do you support Al Qaeda’s single-payer health care plan or Ansar al-Islam’s stance on tort reform? Fafblog is here to help with the internet’s first-ever terrorist voting guide. [Much more…]

And another of its greatest hits, a FAQ on the President’s new plan for Iraq:

Q: What are the new five steps?
A: They are: 1. Handing over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government. 2. Establishing security. 3. Continuing to rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure. 4. Moving toward a national election in Iraq.
Q: Those are good steps!
A: We are glad you like them.
Q: How are they different from the old five steps?
A: They are the same as the old five steps, but they have the newly-added quality of newness.
Q: But -
A: We are staying the course.

Q: How sovereign will the new sovereign Iraq government be?
A: It will be so sovereign. You have never seen anything as sovereign as this new sovereign Iraqi government!
Q: Does the UN draft resolution prepared by the US give Iraq full sovereignty?
A: No.
Q: Does it give the Iraqi government the power to ask foreign troops to leave or to overrule military missions?
A: No. We are staying the course, whether they want us to or not. [More…]

Watch the Comedians: Fafblog!

posted June 24, 2004 11:46 PM (Politics) (2 comments) #


The End of Professionalism: Why do talk radio hosts and Times reporters have no talent?
Who makes a movie?
Watch the Comedians: The Daily Show
Watch the Comedians: The Daily Howler
Watch the Comedians: Fafblog!
Justice Thomas and the Case-Dodgers
When can I keep an enemy combatant?
Why Ralph Runs
What is going on at the Supreme Court?
Four Myths About Politics


I’ve never read one funny thing on Fafblog. It tries way too hard and misses the mark drastically. And I think their style of writing is trying to capture the essence of a mentally retarded person trying to make a five-course meal and spilling everything on the floor. To me it’s not funny, it’s embarassing.

posted by pudge at June 25, 2004 04:46 PM #

pudge writes:

I’ve never read one funny thing on Fafblog. It tries way too hard and misses the mark drastically. And I think their style of writing is trying to capture the essence of a mentally retarded person trying to make a five-course meal and spilling everything on the floor. To me it’s not funny, it’s embarassing.

Um, you are clearly missing something. Like the fact that fafblog is by far the funniest thing on the net. What it is is “satire”, something you really don’t see very much anymore. But beyond being satire, it’s also incredibly funny.


posted by Jonathan W. King at July 7, 2004 09:58 PM #

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