Is it just me or do you too
find the opposing brief by Seuss cuckoo?
This company inheretied from Suess and E.B. White
and Ludwig Bemelmans their copyrights.

They filed a brief on the government’s side
To help the Supreme Court justices decide
The Ashcroft vs. Eldred case
Which could renew the public domain space

Their claim is shortened copyright slows
Derivative books movies and TV shows.
But their argument seems quite silly
Wouldn’t more be made without their fee?

Their later claims are stranger yet:
Public domain works are just repackaged, they fret
No Progress comes from that, but worse, you see
They fear they’ll be used for pornography!

posted August 12, 2002 09:48 PM (Politics) #


Congresmen Want You in Prison
New “Rogue State” Must Be Stopped
Free Culture, Free Slides
Tokelau Gives Free Domains
Apple Gives In To Copyright Terrorism?
Dr. Suess Enterprises In Favor of Perpetual Copyright
Other Amici Claims
US Locks Up US Citizens With No Process!
Make Mozilla Money Fast!
rfc822 has no chance to survive. take your mime.
Yee-Haw! Roundup time!

Aaron Swartz (