I buy On Intelligence and quickly devour it. The book leaves me so excited that I stay up late following its rules to try to build a brain in Python. I don’t get very far, but it still amazes me by doing simple tasks, like distinguishing between various categories.

A Stanford student is working with Hawkins to do the same kind of thing, except more seriously. According to the screenshots, the software can successfully recognize simple pictures, even when distorted and missing pieces.

posted January 26, 2005 08:18 PM (Education) (4 comments) #


Newspaper Writers on the Election
Stanford: Day 62
Jeff Hawkins on the Brain
Stanford: Day 63
Stanford: Day 64
Stanford: Day 65
Quick Takes
Stanford: Day 66
Stanford: Day 67
Home: Day 1
Home: Day 2


Where’s the beef^Wcode?

posted by Sean B. Palmer at January 27, 2005 05:57 PM #

Maybe you can solve your face-recognition dilemma through software?

Why are you still wasting your time at that horrible place? As an excellent musician loved to say “bad sounds go in, bad sounds come out”.

Brainwashing isn’t something anyone consciouly does to you, it just happens, like the syndrome where kidnap victims begin to empathize with their captors after a while. Get out of there before it’s too late.

You seem surprised to learn that Locke was a racist pig. I’m surprised that you’re surprised - if you are.


posted by William Loughborough at January 28, 2005 05:59 AM #

So it’s just a matter of time before someone writes a comment spam bot that can read captchas…

posted by Pete Prodoehl at January 28, 2005 11:51 AM #

HAVE a look for paul churchland’s engine of reason, seat of the soul.

a nice read.

posted by Gordon Anderson at February 2, 2005 03:23 PM #

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