Yahoo: The Case for Regime Change.

Khatami asked the U.N. to set a deadline for Bush to step down in favor of president-in-exile Al Gore the legitimate winner of the 2000 election, the results of which were subverted through widespread voting irregularities and intimidation.

[… This will likely require] a prolonged bombing campaign targeting major U.S. cities and military installations, followed by a ground invasion led by European forces. “Civilian casualties would likely be substantial,” said a French military analyst. “But the American people must be liberated from tyranny.”

[…] “Even before Bush, the American political system was a shambles,” said Prof. Salvatore Deluna of the University of Madrid. “Their single-party plutocracy will have to be reshaped into true parliamentary-style democracy. Moreover, the economy will have to be retooled from its current military dictatorship model—in which a third of the federal budget goes to arms, and taxes are paid almost exclusively by the working class—to one in which basic human needs such as education and poverty are addressed. Their infrastructure is a mess; they don’t even have a national passenger train system. Fixing a failed state of this size will require many years.”

Welcome news. The only way to crush America’s fundamentalist tendencies is by showing them who’s boss.

posted October 07, 2002 09:35 PM (Politics) #


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