I took live notes on Dave Winer’s keynote here at OSCOM.

Bill Kearney, Syndic8.com:
DW: oh, you’re Bill Kearney. my god
Bill: saber-rattling. platitudes. democracy. benevolent dictatorship. guise.
DW: stop.
DW: had i known you were in the audience i would have said this
DW: I want to say this face-to-face: i don’t like where you’re going, i don’t want to hear those thoughts
Charlie Nesson: that seems like total bs

posted May 29, 2003 09:57 AM (Technology) #


Joss Quest
RFC: Annals of Planet Hacking
PowerPoint Remix
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It
Charging Society
Dave Winer Keynote
Like Father Like Son
Something’s Coming
Joss Update
Eldred Petition
Recording Industry v. Deep, John (The Aimster Case)

Aaron Swartz (me@aaronsw.com)