I’m proud to announce that I launched a new site today, web.resource.org/. There’s not much there now, but I hope for it to grow into a busy and useful site. From the site:

We’re building a home for information that’s useful to the Web community, like specifications, namespaces and schemas. Links to pages on this server should never break and the data should never go away.

I’m eager to see how this site will work out.

posted July 02, 2002 02:01 AM () #


Who’s heading to OSCON?
Essentially… Blogging Cats?
Ooh, A Webcam
TCPA and Palladium in Plain Terms
Web Roundup
Introducing web.resource.org
Introducing Memesh
Recursive Blogging
Putting an End to ICANN
Today’s Hack: html2text Converter
Debunking the Debunkers

Aaron Swartz (me@aaronsw.com)